Saturday, July 21, 2007

Got milk?

I love organic milk. Next time you're at the store, check out the expiration's like, six weeks away! We switched over years ago, and I never throw out spoiled milk. Plus, it doesn't have growth hormones and antibiotics in it, so, yay! Plus, it really tastes good!

Horizon makes a whole line of products, and I love love love them. Especially, their yogurt in tubes. Like Gogurt, but in normal flavors and no weird ass colors. I am not anal about it, but I try to avoid Shrek green food for the peanut. You can freeze it, it's like a frozen yogurt flav-r-ice pop. Bella LOVES it, frozen or not.

5 Minutes for Mom is having a contest, giving away $300 in gift certificates to one lucky blogger. I already buy this stuff, so, wow, huge help with the grocery bill. If you do dairy, I recommend entering. Their products are superb!

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